Ecco chi parteciperà al TOHorror Film Fest 2016 – XVI edizione

Annunciati i selezionati per i concorsi cortometraggi, lungometraggi e sceneggiature del TOHorror Film Fest 2016.

Competizione lungometraggi / Feature film competition
Extraordinary Tales, Raul Garcia, Belgio/Lussemburgo/USA/Spagna
Fear Itself, Charlie Lyne, UK, 2015
German Angst, Jörg Buttgereit; Andreas Marschall; Michael Kosakowski, Germania
In a lonely place, Davide Montecchi, Italia
My Little Sister, Maurizio Dal Piccolo, Italia
Psiconautas – the forgotten children, Alberto Vasquez, Spagna
The Blind King, Raffaele Picchio, Italia

Competizione cortometraggi / Short film competition
Coup de Grace, Pascal Glatz, Switzerland, 2015
Eat, Moritz Kramer, Germany, 2012
Event Horizon, Joséfa Celestin, UK/France, 2016
Freedom and Independence, Bjorn Melhus, Germany, 2015
Für Elise, Albert Ventura, Taiwan/Germany, 2015
Getting fat in a healty way, Kevork Aslanyan, Germany/Bulgaria, 2015
Hausarrest, Markus Kaatsch, Switzerland, 2015
La Leggenda della torre, Pier Paolo Paganelli & Guglielmo Trautvetter, Italia 2015
Laura, Lost, Simon Sandquist, USA, 2016
L’oeil silencieux, Karim Ouelhaj, Belgium 2016
L’ultima chiamata, Matteo Tiberia, Italia, 2016
Mizbruk, Daniel Duranleau, Canada, 2015
Mr Dentonn, Ivan Villamel Sanchez, Spain, 2015
Nada S.A., Caye Casas, Spain, 2014
Oripeaux, Sonia Gerbeaud & Mathias de Panafieu, France 2015
Pandemia, Marco Testa, Italia, 2016
Pulsion Sangrienta, Gerard Tusquella Serra, Spain, 2014
Stream of doubts, Joseph Catté, France, 2016
The Black Bear, Méryl Fortunat-Rossi & Xavier Seron, Belgium, 2015
The eggman, Marc Wagenarr, Germany, 2016
The incredible tale of the incredible spider-woman, Pablo Guirado, France 2016
Un ciel bleu presque parfait, Quarxx, France 2015
Under the apple tree, Van Schaaik Erik, Belgium/Netherlands, 2015
Underwater, Virginie Caloone, France, 2016
Vicious, Lydia-Maria Emrich, Germany 2014

Competizione sceneggiature / Screenplays competition
Bananalien, Laura Fusconi, Alessio Posar e Michele Prencipe
Dentro, Alex Creazzi
Il cimitero di Mortraia, Alessia Del Freo
Inferno giorno, Filippo Santaniello e Daniele Curci
La Lezione, Giovanni Martucci
Origine, Vincenzo Pandolfi
Shellfie, Luca Pedretti
Storia di Giona, Stefano Pandolfi